Dear parents, you are being lied to.

This is so important. Living in a vaccine-sceptical neighbourhood, I totally see the need to spread the word here.

Violent metaphors

Standard of care.

In light of recent outbreaks of measles and other vaccine preventable illnesses, and the refusal of anti-vaccination advocates to acknowledge the problem, I thought it was past time for this post.

Dear parents,

You are being lied to. The people who claim to be acting in the best interests of your children are putting their health and even lives at risk.

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It’s the season to sing Oh Tannenbaum!

Manchmal muss ich Leo ein Lied so richtig aus der Nase ziehen. Er mag Musik und Gesang, aber selber singen auf Anforderung – vergiss es. “Magst du mal was singen, Leo?” Fehlanzeige.

Um so erstaunlicher heute, als Leo voller Inbrunst zu singen anfängt: “Oh Tannenbaum!”

Zunächst geht der Liedtext normal los.

“Oh Tannenbaum, oh Tannenbaum…”

Die Fortsetzung lässt allerdings bei mir die Kinnlade herunterfallen:

“…die Oma liegt im Kofferraum”


“der Opa ruft die Polizei,”

“die Polizei kommt nackt vorbei,”

“oh Tannenbaum, oh Tannenbaum, die Oma bleibt im Kofferraum.”

Naja. Immerhin hat er mir vorgesungen.

Leo decorating the Christmas tree

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Kiss-craving cannibal?

We’re sitting peacefully at dinner when Leo all of a sudden exclaims:
“I’m gonna eat all moms in the world!”

After almost choking on her food, his mom asks him, “don’t you think the children would be sad and miss their moms?”

“No, I don’t think so.”
“But wouldn’t you be sad and miss your mom if she got eaten?”
“But I’m not going to eat you, mom.”
“Why not?”
“’cause I still need you for kisses.”Leo biking

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Arr Arr!

Arr Arr!

It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out.

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October 31, 2013 · 23:50

Of stones, pierres and stenar – and faux amis

Tonight, I read for the first time a story book that has been standing on Leo’s bookshelf for a year now. The reason why he has always been reluctant to read it with me is quite simple. He has seen the movie. And we all know that having seen the movie always spoils the book.

In fact, it’s a bit more complicated than that. He’s seen the video in French, and the book is (originally!) in Swedish (Anton’s stenar). Since Leo’s mom and dad have a rather strict division of labor in terms of story telling – meaning that mom reads only in French and dad only in Swedish – it is actually quite loastonsstenargical that Leo didn’t want to read the book with me, since he regarded it as a “French” story.

Well, tonight that changed.

After some deliberating, Leo agreed to read Anton’s stenar with me. Leo immediately started filling in, interrupting and cutting me off – in French!

Me: “And then Anton picks up…”

Leo: “…une pierre!”

But it gets better.

As the story continues, Anton (a dog obsessed with collecting stones, by the way) believes that the stones he finds “are alone, bored or cold”. Hearing the phrase “ha det trist” (EN: being bored), Leo turns to me and asks me in Swedish, “what does ‘trist’ mean?” I realize he’s confused, because he actually knows the word, but has confounded it with the French “être triste” (EN: being sad). Of course, being francophone, he knows very well the meaning of being “triste”, but for the first time is confronted with a semantic dilemma. He looks to his father with a quizzical gaze, sort of: “are you sure about that???”

Resolving his dilemma with the faux amis was maybe not so spectacular – but getting there was and the realization that this four-year old is capable of stuff I maybe couldn’t learn until high school is mind-boggling.

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October 24, 2013 · 21:21

Wanna play doctor?

I guess most parents encounter this issue at some point or the other. How do you react when your child starts closing the door? To what extent can you intrude, especially when there is a friend in there?

My son (4) was playing doctor with neighbor girl (6) tonight. Being a bit anxious having seen the girl bring in the heavy orthopedic equipment, I told Leo that you can also make believe and you don’t have to undress to be butt naked and get ‘hurt’ by the doctor.

In the end, everything went fine. I’m just glad I wasn’t dealing with pubescent kids. But I guess that time will come, too, eventually.

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Like father like son

I love languages and I am fortunate to have it as my profession. Back in school, I always knew that I wanted to be surrounded by language(s) and immerse myself in foreign ones. Leo TigerSo moving on to studying languages was a logical step. Later landing in the interpreting, translation and localization business was not exactly planned, but nevertheless a move totally in line with my interest.

Although I have a profound love for linguistics and the field of translation as such, I never see myself ever trying to steer Leo towards such professions. Rather, I want him to pursue his very own interests and maybe eventually feel that surge of interest I felt that sort of pulls you towards a certain field or line of work.

Would you believe my surprise then tonight after I’d put Leo to bed, turned on his small night lamp and said my standard Swedish rhyme “Godnatt…min skatt!” (literally: Good night, treasure), to hear him call me back to his room and say (in Swedish): “Dad, do you want to hear that in German?”. “Yes, of course I’d like that.”. “Well,” says Leo, “it’s ‘Gute Nacht, mein Schatz!'”, giving me a perfectly correct German translation of the phrase.

Can’t wait to see what he comes up with next.

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September 27, 2013 · 21:36

Dragons and Thieves – A Child’s Perspective

Of course dragons make great impressions on people. Kids and probably most adults, too, find them fascinating and scary. For some reason yet unknown to me, thieves seem to invoke a similar level of fascination with children, and can, in a child’s mind, be placed in the same fantastic category as the fire-spewing beast.

OK, but how are the two connected? Well, Leo has an explanation.

Leo: “So, dad, I dreamed I was a dragon flying in the sky.”
Me: “Wow, spewing fire and wrecking havoc?
Leo: “No, I was flying around looking for thieves.”
Me: “Why?”
Leo: “Well, I want to spear them on my dragon claws and then eat them!”
Me: “That’s fierce! What happens to the thieves then?”
Leo: “They go inside the dragon’s tummy, where they are turned into humans again.”
Me: “OK, so the thieves become humans again in the dragon’s stomach?”
Leo: “Yeah! And then the dragon spits them out and they’re normal humans again!”

If dragons only exist in order to turn thieves into normal humans, I’d love for more dragons to be around.

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Filed under deutsch, rhetorik, Sprache

Linguistic quantum leaps (and some burlesque…)

Leo, his mum and I just got back from a few much-needed, and extremely well-spent vacation days in the French Alps, where we had the pleasure of attending a wonderful family event. Although I could go on about how great Annecy is and what a great time we had,

Lac d'Annecy

I think the linguistic progress Leo made in those five days was perhaps even more noteworthy.

His German is now I’d say close to on a par with his monolingual peers – that alone is major feat considering his multilingual setting. His Swedish has improved dramatically in the last six months. It improved the most when he spent two weeks with his Swedish relatives in January. Since then, he speaks approximately 80 percent Swedish with his father, of which the last mentioned is very proud.

His French, however, has always been lagging behind, for obvious reasons: Aside from his mother, he has little French input in his daily life and he has of course seldom the opportunity of acquiring the French word for a concept “off the bat” by means of linguistic proximity/similarity, as is the case in German/Swedish.

I was keen on finding out how much progress he would make in just five days among the francophone part of the family.

And I was amazed at the outcome.

Not only did he soak up tons of new words, but he also managed to literally embrace many of the French customs (cheek kisses and random bedtimes…) and more importantly he started speaking French with his French cousins. It was just a matter of a few words here and there, but he managed to get his message across. Example: Since Leo adores swimming, he quickly learned how to compel his great uncle into opening the pool: “Michel, ouvre la piscine s’il te plaît !”

Leo also  made progress I had not forecast. He sort of “sorted his thoughts”. Every now and then I found him saying phrases to himself, sometimes in German, sometimes small phrases in French. This one time we found him by himself in the living room, counting small pebbles in French (from 1 to about 12). And then sometimes, Leo would produce German sentences of a syntactical eloquence greatly surpassing anything we had ever heard before – and this while being immersed with native French speakers.

We no longer need to differentiate between the languages using paraphrases such as “kindergarten language” (German), mother’s language and dad’s language, but can actually say German, French and Swedish.

Not surprisingly, perhaps, Leo then asked me today: “But if German is Kindergarten language, why do you speak German with mum?”

Having spent wonderful days in France, we returned tonight to Berlin. Leo was happy to return home but did not forget to mention that “Pappa, det var en kul resa!” (Dad, that was a fun trip!)

Let’s do it again sometime soon.

P.S. Did he miss his toys? His teddy bears? I can’t say. He went straight for the balcony and set up his late night snack there and then told his mother that for his glass of milk he just needed the coaster with “The princess with the boots and boobies” (German: Die Prinzessin mit den Stiefeln und den Brüsten).

Paris Moulin Rouge

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Filed under deutsch, französisch, Grammatik, outdoor, rhetorik, schwedisch, Sprache, travel

Pretty please?

Leo and I are playing in his room with marbles and some cars. I lose one of the marbles under his bed and ask him to fetch it since I hardly fit under the bed.

“Sure, dad I can do that,” he responds instinctively and starts moving towards the bed.

Suddenly, he stops and turns to me with a quizzical look on his face.

“What’s the magic word?”


Leo nods in approval and continues in under the bed to get the marble.

It makes me think of a phrase my old physics teacher at Kungsholmen used to say, “Remember, children, that politeness is the oil in the social machinery.”

Puppet theater

Another popular pastime: puppet theater

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